Introduction: Kuiper, PFSense Firewall

This system is a 1U quarter-depth Super Micro, Intel Atom-based system. Its name is slightly irregular considering my server naming scheme is planets orbiting Sol, but I figure “Kuiper” isn’t too hard to associate with a firewall, as the Kuiper belt encapsulates our solar system.

Low power consumption and threading was important when deciding on which hardware to get for this sytem. I expect it to push 1gbps (inter-VLAN) without too much trouble. It has five ethernet ports, where one is dedicated for IPMI. WAN has a dedicated ethernet port, and I’ll be setting up LAGG between at least two ports for the LAN side, for more efficient routing between VLANs, once the 16-port switch arrives.

System Parts
Chassis SuperChassis CSE-505-203B
Mainboard Super Micro A1SAI-2550F
CPU Intel Atom C2550 (14W, embedded)
SSD 1x Innodisk 32GB InnoLite LP Vertical (for 1U) SATADOM MLC

I did a very simple network benchmark (iperf -c hostname -p 20000 -t 60 -P 1 -L 20000 -w 1m -t 30 -i 5), which showed about 600 Mbit/s  bandwidth. Kuiper’s CPU load was hovering around 10% during the test. I’ll have to do more scientific tests later, as I haven’t made any effort to find the actual bottleneck for this test.

FreeBSD, NGINX, SSL and the ChaCha20 cipher suites

In this post, I’ll be describing the journey of enabling the stronger ChaCha20 cipher suites on my FreeBSD NGINX reverse proxy. I’m using SSL Labs SSLTest to get the details on what is being offered, and for sanity-testing the SSL configuration in general. I’m using FreeBSD 10.2.

In nginx.conf:

http {
  ssl_protocols       TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
  ssl_ciphers         EECDH+CHACHA20:EECDH+AES128:RSA+AES128:EECDH+AES256:RSA+AES256:!MD5;
  ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

This clearly shows the server prefers the EECDH+CHACHA20 cipher suite. But according to the SSL test, it’s not being offered. Why could this be? I’m using whatever OpenSSL version is in the FreeBSD 10.2 base system, so I go poke it to find which ciphers it supports:

# /usr/bin/openssl version
OpenSSL 1.0.1p-freebsd 9 Jul 2015
# /usr/bin/openssl ciphers | grep -i chacha

Apparently, it doesn’t support the ChaCha cipher suites. Ok, then it’s obvious why NGINX isn’t offering those cipher suites. So I go over to my package build server and change its configuration around a little. I add security/libressl to the build list, and I instruct it to build the reverse proxy’s packages with the following make.conf options:

# Build ports against security/libressl
OPENSSL_PORT=           security/libressl

I instruct the package builder to run a build for the reverse proxy, and it seems to be doing what I wanted. All ports linking to OpenSSL (including NGINX) are being rebuilt, and LibreSSL is built too.

Once the build server is done, I tell the reverse proxy to force an update and upgrade. (pkg update -f and pkg upgrade -f), restart NGINX, and test again.

It’s still not serving CHACHA20. WHAT!? I check if NGINX actually linked against LibreSSL:

# /usr/local/bin/openssl version
LibreSSL 2.2.4
# ldd /usr/local/bin/openssl
/usr/local/bin/openssl: => /lib/ (0x800888000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x800aac000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x800d12000) => /lib/ (0x801110000)

# ldd /usr/local/sbin/nginx
/usr/local/sbin/nginx: => /lib/ (0x8008db000) => /lib/ (0x800aff000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x800d1f000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x800f96000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x8011fc000) => /lib/ (0x8015fa000) => /lib/ (0x801810000)

Yes, it is linked against LibreSSL. And /usr/local/bin/openssl ciphers does list CHACHA20. This is very strange. While trying to figure out what’s going on here, I strike up a conversation with Allan Jude on IRC and casually mention my troubles. He mentions something about ChaCha20 being slower (not a bad thing), citing, and mention some black magic that is using the OpenSSL client to check the SSL session handshake. So I do that.

# /usr/local/bin/openssl s_client -host HOSTNAME -port 443
    Protocol  : TLSv1.2
    Cipher    : ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305

What? This is saying it’s using CHACHA20! Why isn’t the SSL test saying so? And then Allan casually says the SSL report does state the preferred cipher is CHACHA20. I go refresh the page, and indeed it does.

So to make a long story short, I had to link NGINX with LibreSSL to get CHACHA20 support, once that was done, I checked the now stale report to see CHACHA20 wasn’t supported, even though it actually was.

Lesson of the story: Be thorough. Very thorough. Messing up a simple step can make you stare at the screen wondering if you’ve lost your sanity. Also, sharing the trouble can be entertaining for those you share it with, and save you time. Win-win. :)

Let’s Encrypt on a FreeBSD NGINX reverse proxy

This is a write-up on how I set up “Let’s Encrypt” on the reverse proxy sitting in front of the various VM’s serving a few of my websites. I looked at a guide which was very helpful, but I had to fill in on some gaps and tweak the configuration slightly. I’ll be outlining every step of the way here.

Let’s Encrypt let people enable HTTPS with a trusted certificate, for free. You can even get multiple-domain certificates, in case you run multiple websites behind a single IP address.

First of all, I installed the Let’s Encrypt package.

I then configured nginx to serve the magic folder for verification (/usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/letsencrypt.conf), and made my “real” vhosts only listen for SSL traffic. (You may have to temporarily disable them or add the magic stuff to each of them, if you didn’t have a SSL configuration at all before this.) I then reloaded nginx.

This is the catch-all ‘magic’ vhost for verification. It will redirect real traffic to the https version of the site.

server {
  server_name anotherdomain.example;
  listen 80;
  location '/.well-known/acme-challenge' {
    default_type "text/plain";
    root /tmp/letsencrypt-auto;
  location / {
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

I then executed the following commands to create my certificate:
export DOMAINS="-d -d -d anotherdomain.example"
export DIR=/tmp/letsencrypt-auto
mkdir -p $DIR
letsencrypt certonly --server \
-a webroot --webroot-path=$DIR --agree-dev-preview $DOMAINS

This command outputs the path to the directory containing the certificate files. “privkey.pem” is the private key, and “fullchain.pem” is the file you want to use as certificate.

I updated the nginx configuration to use these certificates, in /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

http {
  ssl_certificate /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  ssl_certificate_key /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/;

I then created a script [] which renews the certificate when it’s 14 days or less from expiring. I set up crontab to call it once a day, and only report about any errornous output:

13 2 * * * /root/ /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/ > /dev/null

And that’s it. My websites which are hosted at home are now served over HTTPS with a trusted certificate. For free.

The Let’s Encrypt public beta will start 3rd December 2015, good luck!

Manually compiling your own FUSE file system on FreeBSD

This is a combined rant and tutorial. The tutorial is available further down, under its own subheading. :)

It started Saturday, when I decided to jump in and get my hands dirty with the FUSE API. I started looking for the API documentation, but couldn’t find any which were relevant for my needs. I found some describing the internal kernel API, but nothing describing how to USE that API.

I found some example code with instructions describing how to compile it. These instructions state “gcc -Wall hello.c pkg-config fuse –cflags –libs -o hello”. I got errors about directories not found and flags not recognized. Oh well, not too surprising. I was maybe a little bit optimistic in thinking it was as easy as replacing gcc with clang!

So I went on to google for cmd switch replacements, etc, to no avail. After banging my head on this for over a day, I figured it’s better to leave this problem for another day, and just go with gcc for now. I installed gcc, and… same problem!

I then tweeted, hoping someone would have some suggestions for me. Almost immediately, @badboy_ replied, saying it was displayed wrong, and some of it should be wrapped in ticks. Okay, so I tried gcc48 -Wall hello.c `pkg-config fuse --cflags --libs` -o hello. Now it was complaining about pkg-config not being a valid command. Okay, one step further. In a combination of frustration and joy I immediately ask where to find “pkg-config” for FreeBSD. @FreeBSDHelp mentioned pkgconf. I tried the substitution trick on this, and the command line went gcc48 -Wall hello.c `pkgconf fuse --cflags --libs` -o hello. Okay one step further. It’s now complaining about a missing package for fuse. Digging around the ports tree, I find sysutils/fusefs-libs. Install it, try again.. and voila! It compiles, and works.

I once again try the clang-for-gcc substitution trick, and it works as a charm now. I immediately uninstalled gcc. ;)

How to Compile Your Own FUSE File System on FreeBSD?

  1. Install the package sysutils/fusefs-libs
  2. Have some code which uses FUSE (let’s assume hello.c from
  3. Execute: clang -Wall hello.c `pkg-config fuse --cflags --libs` -o hello

That’s how easy it is, really. Now if only someone could have written that somewhere it could be found. :)

2015-10-28: Replaced ‘pkgconf’ with ‘pkg-config’ according to @myfreeweb‘s tweet.
2015-10-28: Added link to package name.
2015-10-28: Cleaned up some links, adjusted text to reflect the post wasn’t published the day I started writing it.
2015-10-28: Added profile links for twitter handles.
2015-10-28: Made the link to @badboy_’s tweet more visible and added link to @FreeBSDHelp’s tweet.

October Update: Learning for TunnelFS

It has been a while since I announced I would work on an exciting new project, TunnelFS, and I think it’s time for a status update.

In that post, I mentioned I had a lot to learn before I could get anywhere with this project. I had an idea of how much it was, but it turned out to be more. I’ve been working on learning C — I can read C without much trouble, except the really complex cases, and I can actually write a little on my own. For example, I’ve been going through the entire FreeBSD SCTP implementation in an effort to document its sysctl MIBs (there’s still outstanding work on this, but I’ll cycle back to it at some point). I’ve been reading some books on the subject of C, and it makes sense to me. It’ll take a while to really learn the grammar, but the concepts are nothing new. It feels a bit like learning a new language which is similar to your own, but with slightly different grammar and vocabulary.

This week I’ve been trying to figure out FUSE. It’s difficult. Documentation seems to be virtually non-existent, the code that I have found isn’t documented, and what little documentation I have found is on some sourceforge page, or specific to the kernel-side implementation of the API with little or no concern of how one would use that API. I’ve been trying to figure out how to compile some example code using Clang, but have given up and will be using GCC for now. I don’t have to solve every problem all at once. The important thing is getting a grasp of the API. I hope to implement fuse-tunnelfs in C to make it easier to port it as a native file system, keeping the options open for future potential features such as booting from TunnelFS.

I’ve done some thinking on how I want TunnelFS to be implemented, logistically speaking. I’ve come up with two implementation alternatives, but might land on a middle ground if possible. The only difference between the two implementation options is how it handles filesystem I/O on the host side.

TunnelFS-Implementation1The first option has the filesystem I/O be handled by a separate process, which may run as a different user than root if desired, communicating with bhyve over UNIX socket or some other means which I have yet to investigate. This makes the data have to be copied or streamed three times: Between fuse-tunnelfs and the TunnelFS virtio driver (guest side), between TunnelFS VirtIO driver guest side and bhyve side (backend), and between that backend and the separate process. It also has a smaller chance of breaking Bhyve, as it leaves less code running in Bhyve’s context. It could also be slightly more portable, as the filesystem I/O code isn’t directly tied to Bhyve in any way.

TunnelFS-Implementation2The second option has the filesystem I/O implemented into Bhyve itself. This leaves a bigger footprint in Bhyve, meaning there’s a higher chance of breaking Bhyve. But it also means there’s one less data-copying step, as it won’t have to communicate with a separate process. It is possibly less portable than the first implementation, but it could remain easily portable if done right (i.e. not implementing the I/O logic directly in the VirtIO backend code). Filesystem I/O would run in the bhyve context, meaning all operations would be executed as root.

I think this is a performance-vs-security/reliability decision. I’d err on the side of security/reliability, but this is all quite far off into the future, so we’ll see what I find out. If anyone have any input on this please let me know; your knowledge is appreciated.

I think that sums up this month, and the status of TunnelFS pretty well. Hopefully, I’ll have skeleton code by the end of the year, but we’ll see. :)

Most Powerful Fan

My home office got so hot today, I had to deploy my smallest but most powerful fan to keep me cool.

This is my most powerful fan!

You can see he’s really powerful, because he has four different colours! I should probably insert an anime power-creeping reference here, but I don’t watch anime.

The effect of my fan wasn’t all that great though. I think it might be because his supervisor is constantly riding his back.

2015-09-18 MostPowerfulFan-SuperVisor

PS: Hey, if you have a teddy bear collection, you GOTTA have some fun with it!

ELI5: FreeBSD Accept Filters

Five months ago, I wrote the following as a response to a Redditor who asked how accept filters worked in FreeBSD, and wanted to have it explained like they were five years old. I’m posting it here, because it’s a recurring question, and I’d like it somewhere easy to find. Original thread.

Without accept filters: Imagine if someone were to send you a message by letter. They’d send one sentence the first day, the second sentence the second day, and so forth. You’d go check that mail box every day, because the ‘new mail’ flag was up. You piece the sentences together, and after a number of days you have the full message.

With accept filters: Imagine the above example, but the mail box scanned the contents of your letters, and wouldn’t raise the ‘new mail’ flag until there are enough sentences to form a full paragraph (request). You’d spend less time checking the mail box, and you’d still process the message at the earliest possible time.

The advantage to this is more noticeable when you have to check many mail boxes at the same time, and can skip the ones which don’t have a full paragraph yet.