Sunday with Demoder

This week has been a blast!

Diet & Exercise

Diet’s holding up great! Keeping it at about 150g carbs per day, and keeping sugar alcohols to a minimum. Weight is holding stable. I’ve picked up the habit of walking the dogs at least once per day again. They really enjoy that; And I get some exercise as well.


There’s lots of great weather here lately, sunny with some clouds, not much rain at all. I’ve been enjoying myself outdoors, bathing in the sun. It’s almost incredible how much good weather can help when you’re in a bad mood!


I’ve taken only one photo this week, and it was more like a snapshot.

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Coding, Motivation

I need more motivation/willingness to code things, especially AO-related things.
The tower war tracker isn’t even half-finished yet, while the patcher is about 98% done – just need some fixing, and I need to get around to give vhab what he needs to provide the backend with This, again, relies on the aforementioned fixing. The map compiler is considered done, any further work is related to UI improvements and possibly further optimization for multithreaded work. Continue reading